Thursday, August 18, 2011

Carter's Fund

Hello all my fellow Marchie Mamas! Carter's story has touched all of us throughout the past few months. While sitting and contemplating all of the things I would like to buy if some random person walked up and gave me money, I realized that I do not deserve it. I have been blessed with a healthy baby who is free from medical complications. I do not need anything. Among our ranks, however, there is a strong March Mama who has been caring for an amazing baby boy who has cancer. Through Chemo, extended hospital stays, and many many sleepless night, 3boysandamomma has been putting up the good fight for her son's life.

If you all are anything like me, you probably enjoy a nice lunch out with friends or maybe a few lattes. What if we all gave up one latte a month or one lunch out to donate to Carter's family? They could use the money to take a family trip when Carter is strong, pay for in-home medical care so they can move out of the hospital and take Carter home where he belongs, or maybe just buy an Ergo so he can always be close to his Mommy and Daddy who have had to stand by his bedside for so long. Whatever they use it for, I hope it can bring them joy and make their lives just a little easier during this hard time.


  1. This is Truley amazing. There are no words to describe how thankful we are for everyones wonderful support! Carter is doing very well today!
    -Meg (carters mommy)

  2. Yay, I'm so glad to hear he is doing well!

  3. Such good news to hear Carter had a good day! You and your family are in our thoughts daily! Sending lots of positive vibes your way! Give Carter a hug from all of us March Mommies!
