So, we finished the first round of chemo( no more chemo until September) he was still looking so healthy. We were feeling very optimistic .
But things quickly changed.
Saturday, he came down with diarrhea, then he was sleeping more and very pale.
Sunday he started refusing to eat, and vomiting yellow stomach bile
Monday, still refusing to eat, now won't take the soother or his teethers. He would only put his tumb in the side of his mouth. His drool was very slimey (he now has mouth sores from the chemo- dr said they are like canker sores, but filling his mouth and throat) at night he spiked a fever of 104.3 and his heart rate was about 190bpm (very high)
He went to the PICU (pediatric intensive care unit) and was hooked up to morphine, 3 antibiotics, nutrition, saline, through IVs. While 5 doctors were poking and testing him, he was not moving, eye closed, buy moaning. This was the breaking point for me when I realized he may not make it. His torso and head were hot to touch, Nurses would put a cold cloth on his head, and in 5 mins the cloth was hot! His legs from the knee down were ice cold to touch, his arms from the elbow down were ice cold. His little body was slowly shutting down. But he is such a fighter! His fever went down, his arms an legs got warmer.
His fever is now 100.2, and his heart rate is 125bmp
He is back in his room! He is still very sleepy, is only awake for at most 10 mins at a time, but he needs his rest and is now responsive.
He also has a tube that goes in his nose to his tummy and the other end is a bag, instead of throwing up the bile it now goes into the bag.
All this is due to an infection that he got from the bacteria in his belly(everyone has it, but he had no immune system )
He played with a rattle today! So that was a big happy point of the day!
Thank you all for your ongoing support through carters journey
(posted to BBC 08/11/2011)
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